Emergency Assistance
The Emergency Assistance Program provides residents of Worcester and surrounding communities access to food, diapers, formula, and hygiene products.
Through our partnership with the Worcester County Food Bank, Stop and Shop, Wegman’s, Rachel’s Table, Lovin’ Spoonfuls, and Cradles to Crayons, clients have access to fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy, meats, and shelf-stable food as well as diapers and formula and occasional access to clothing and school supplies.
Families are eligible to receive food twice monthly and diapers and formula once a month.
No ID is required to access these services.
Hours of operation:
Tuesdays: 9 AM – 3 PM or until we run out of food
Wednesdays: 9 AM – 3 PM or until we run out of food
Find out more information about other food resources in Worcester at FoodHelpWorcester.org

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